מדינת ישראל , משרד החינוך מדינת ישראל , משרד החינוך
מדינת ישראל, משרד החינוך
משרד החינוך
האגף לחינוך מבוגרים
הצהרת נגישות

מדינת ישראל,

משרד החינוך

Adult Education

שתפו עמוד:
Adult Education

  • Editor: Ido Bassok

    Graphic Design: Studio "Shoshana Shahar"

    Published by: Publications Department, Ministry of Education

    Table of Contents

    Editor's Note 6

    Adult Education in Israel and Around the World: Achievements and Outlining a Policy

    An Overview of Adult Education in Israel Rachel Tokatli 9

    Proposal Paper: Developing a National Policy to Foster Adult Learning in Israel 34

    Lifelong Learning: Right and Benefit, Duty and Responsibility Rina Cohen 65

    The Global Revolution in Adult Education on the Seventh Decade of Israel Eitan Israeli 85


    A Renaissance of Jewish Culture and Tradition in Israel

    From the Cemetery to the Study Hall (Bet Midrash) Chaya Rowen Baker 104

    ׳Dis-Assimilation׳: Reclaiming of Jewish Identity in Europe - The Experience of Paideia Barbara Lerner Spectre 115

    Bina Center for Jewish Identity and Hebrew Culture Rami Porat and Ayala Vitzner 127

    Building a Bridge in a Complex Cultural Reality at The Ya'akov Herzog Center Complex 4 Noah Hayut 135

    Gvanim - Fostering Jewish Pluralism in Israel Tamar Alperovich and Shraga Bar-On 150

    Promoting Zionism at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center Moshe Fuksman-Sha'al 159

    Judaism, Beyond Ideology - Interview with Dani Danieli, Director of Beit Avi Chai 166


    Fostering Leadership in Adult Education

    The Maarag Program for Excellence in Jewish, Zionist and Civic Education Ohad David 175

    Creating Leadership in Education - Review of  Educational Identity as a Main Factor in Developing Leadership in Education by Mordechai Nissan – Rina Cohen 186

  • Editor: Dr. Ido Bassok

    Editorial board: Ms. Magi Koren (chairperson),

    Ms. Rina Cohen, Dr. Sara Rubinstein, Dr. Eitan

    Israeli, Mr. Shalom Buchbut, Ms. Ruth Friedman,

    Ms. Sarah Golan, Ms. Rina Laor

    Editorial council: Dr. Zivia Rahimi-Shafran, Ms. Hanna Blau,

    Mr. Uri Dromi, Dr. Jonathan Mirvis, Dr. Noah

    Hayut, Mr. Shalom Buchbut, Ms. Ruth Bloom

    Graphic Design: Studio "Shoshana Shahar"

    Published by: Publications Department, Ministry of Education

    ISSN 0793-033-033

    The articles appear as PDF files according to the

    following headings

    © All Rights Reserved


    Table of Contents

    Editor’s Note 6

    Adult Education in Israel: An Overview 8

    Eitan IsraeliThoughts on the State of Adult Education: 

    The Glocalization Paradox 9

    Magi Koren - Ad Halom Project - Parents Learn and Children 

    Succeed: What we Learned and What we Achieved Up to Now 37

    Digital Technologies and Adult Education:

    The Challenge 52

    Introductory Discussion: Digital Citizenship - The Adult 

    Learner as an Effective User of New Technology – Interview with Nava Gilad 53

    Integration of New Technology in the Education System:

    Models and Goals 60

    Orit Avidov - Ungar and Yoram Eshet-Alkalay - Islands of Innovation:

    A critical analysis of a model for innovation implementation

     in school systems 61

    Miki KritzOnline Academy Leads Change in Schools: 

    Integration of Learning Technologies in the Multi-Cultural Context 91

    Dalit LevyTwo Types of MOOCs: An Overview 106

    The Effects of New Technology on Learning 118

    Rakefet Ackerman - On-Screen versus On-Paper Learning:

    Which Media Enables More Effective Learning and Why? 119

    Ofra Razel – Technology for the Benefit of Individuals with 

    Special Needs 132

    New Technology and a Changing Perspective

    about Teaching Hebrew 143

    Rina Zaslavsky, Vera Agranovsky and Evgueny MaryanchikUsing New Technological Tools to Teach Hebrew as a

    Second Language in the FSU 144

    Parents and Children in an Online World 160

    Elizabeth Gal-on and Rina CohenParents and Parenting in 

    a Developing Digital Reality: The Challenge of Significant

    Parenting in the Internet Age 161

  • Editor: Dr. Ido Bassok

    Language editor: Dvora Bitcover

    Publication date: Summer 2015

    Editorial board: Ms. Maggie Koren (Chair), Ms. Rina Cohen, Dr. Sara Rubenstein, Dr. Eitan Israeli, Mr. Shalom Buchbut, Ms. Tsippi Mazar, Ms. Ya'ara Seroussi, Ms. Sarah Golan

    Graphic Design: Scorpio 88, Studio Shoshana Shahar

    Published by: Publications Department, Israel Ministry of Education

    The articles are in PDF format, per chapter headings below

    © All Rights Reserved


    Table of Contents

    Editor – "He who Considereth the Poor" - Dramatic Change Needed in Our Approach to Excluded Populations 6

    Adult Education in Israel – An Overview 8

    Inclusion in Regular Education, Academization, and Nurturing Hebrew-Language Skills to Promote Excluded Populations' Integration in the Workplace - Overview

    Rina Laor  Integration and promotion in the workplace: What has been done? What needs to be done? 10

    Gila Schwartz-Shahar  ״Towards Employment ״ – Integrating

    Different Population Groups into the Workforce by means of Employment Programs in the IACC: Principles and Action 22

    Inclusion of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israeli General Education and the Israeli Workforce

    Betzalel Cohen – The Ultra-Orthodox Community in Israel – Between Integration and Segregation 42

    Rina Cohen Sutzkever  A Multicultural Approach to Adult Learning – The Critical Path to Integrating the Ultra-Orthodox Population in Employment 50

    Shirley Marom  Military Training for the Ultra-Orthodox Population and its Contribution to Integration and Promotion in Employment 65

    Maayan Shahaf  The Ultra-Orthodox Pre-Academic Program for Men 84

    Asaf Malhi  From Skullcap to Mortarboard – Academic Studies in Ultra-Orthodox Society 104

    Maayan Shahaf – Supplementing Ultra-Orthodox Education – The Issue of Women 126

    Liat Kulik  Attitudes towards the World of Work and Employability Strengths Among Ultra-Orthodox Working Women 136

    Roi Canaan  Training Teaching Staff in ״Achiya ״: Pioneers in the Ultra-Orthodox Boys ׳ School 152

    1. R. SharabaniHow to 'Make a Likeness': An Art Institute for the Ultra-Orthodox 163

    Mayer Fialkoff – A Personal Reading in a Research about the Emergence of an Ultra-Orthodox Middle-Class in Israel 173

    Advancing the Israeli-Arab Population's Hebrew Language Skills and Education to Promote Occupational Inclusion

    Shirley Marom  The Importance of Hebrew for Integrating and Promoting the Israeli-Arab Population in the Job Market 185

    Sarah Golan  Teaching Hebrew to the Arabic-Speaking Sector in the Adult Education Division: Changes in Syllabuses to Meet Current Needs 214

    The "New Oldsters" as a Working and Learning Population

    Zev Golan  Senior Citizens: Our Largest Reservoir of Unexploited Resources 231

    Developments in Adult Education

    Zvika Amir and Haim Portnoy  Developments in Adult Education – A Survey of Adult Skills in Israel and Abroad 268

    Sharon Green and Uri Marcus  A Community-Center Based "Social Network" for People with Disabilities and Special Populations 284

  • Editor: Dr. Ido Bassok

    Language editor: Dvora Bitcover

    Editorial staff: Ms. Maggie Koren, (Chairperson), Dr. Sarah Rubenstein, Ms. Rina Cohen, Dr. Eitan Yisraeli, Mr. Shalom Buchbut, Ms. Yaara Seroussi, Ms. Sarah Golan

    Design and typesetting: Studio Shoshana Shachar, Scorpio 88 Group

    Published by: Publications Department, Ministry of Education

    The articles appear as PDF files, as listed below

    © All Rights Reserved



    Editorial - Adult Education: Many Paths to the Same Destination 4-6

    Education and Employment: An Inseparable Pair? On Education and Higher Education as an Introduction to Work

    Nitza Davidovitch – Access to Higher Education in Israel: The Dream and its Shattering 8-22

    Moshe Shenfeld – Former Ultra-Orthodox Jews: From Falling Between the Cracks to a Genuine Opportunity 23-37

    Rina Cohen – The Source of Success: The Influence of Parents on Learning and Employment 38-57

    Ella Barzilai and Ayelet Uriel-Raymond – Volunteer Employment Mentors as a Support System for the Advancement of Low-income Workers 58-66

    Arabs in Israel vs. Hebrew: Coping Methods

    Orly Kayam and Tiana Hirsch – Family language policy, language practice, motivation, and planning among  Israeli Arab students 68-83

    The Eradicating Ignorance Campaign: Evaluation and Summary from a Fifty-Year Perspective

    Esther Schely-Newman – First Steps: The Operation Eradicate Ignorance: A Fifty-Year Perspective 85-102

    Rachel Tokatly  From "Eradicating Ignorance" to "Tehila": Summary Statement 103-120

    50 Years Commemoration of Mordechai Martin Buber (1878-1965), Philosopher of Adult Education and Initiator of Israel's First Center for Training Adult Education Teachers

    Tamar Kron – Dialogue in Adult Education 122-136

    Buber's Outlook on Adult Education: A Compass in a Directionless World - Interview with Professor Dan Avnon. Interviewer: The editor 137-149

    Ron Margolin – Jewish Nationalism as Religiosity without Religion: The Meaning of Judaism According to Martin Buber and the Role of Education in Presenting this View to the Public 150-163

    Adult Education: Research and Action

    Zvika Amir – The Competencies Survey in Israel, B: Designing Exercises and Developing Competencies among Respondents 165-179

    Editor –Transforming Adult Education in the Bedouin Sector in the South: Our Division Leads the Way 180-187

    Research Staff RAMA (National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education) -  The Ad Halom [= Parents learn and children advance] Project - Summary and Recommendations 188-194

    Adult Education in Israel – An Overview

    Rachel Tokatly - Formal and Non-Formal Adult Education: Provision of Opportunities for Literacy, Numeracy and basic skills in Israel 196-215